A view from my desk…

I have been meaning to get back to work on PJ, Rena, and John’s story but life happens. I can be fully prepared, knuckles popped, and pen poised only to have an important phone call or some other pressing matters to disrupt my work. 

How do other writers do this?

As of right now, I am brainstorming ideas to complete their story. It is taking longer than I expected. There has been a turn in events that I must iron out within this story. I don’t think John realizes the mess he’s gotten himself into. Hopefully, everything will pan out without him being eliminated. 

He’s got a lesson to learn for sure. PJ doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve so she gives the vibe that she doesn’t really care but she’s got a heart of gold. She’ll do what she needs to do then deal with the emotional side of it later. Kick butt now asks names later type. 

Rena, a garden fairy, is PJ’s friend and as you might notice, she is a bit clingy and it irritates PJ to no end. Flighty but feisty, Rena is, and y’all will see that soon.

So far we’ve got fairies, trolls, elves, and humans. Will there be more? 

I appreciate every one of yall.

Take care. 

Right of Passage. Draft. #Fantasy.

Right of Passage. Draft. #fantasy

Right of Passage. Draft. #fantasy

Right of Passage. Draft. #Fantasy. <— The beginning

*Again this is a wip rough draft. Needs plenty of editing.* CC is welcomed.

“John, what are you doing here?” The ropes slipped away like water evaporating.

“I told you I was leaving for the Elven City.”

“Yes, but for what?”

“You’ll see.”

Rena and I followed John down a long corridor. Flickering gas lamps hung on the dungeon walls. Water ran in lines down the walls into a thin ravine along the floor. The smell of wet cement permeated the air like rain hitting the hot pavement.

I glanced around like prey on guard for its life. My mind was racing with all the worse case scenarios. The Elves do not like humans messing around their city. My senses were on full alarm. We passed several empty cells. Some of them had bones. From what I did not know. 

Rena gripped my arm, “I sense fear here,” she whispered. 

“Well yeah, I’m scared as hell.”

“No, fear from the otherworld, my world. Something’s wrong,” she said as tears welled in her eyes. 

I tried removing my arm from her grip but she wouldn’t let go.

“Here, hold this dagger. It might help you feel better.”

“I’m a garden fairy not a killer.”

“I didn’t say you had to kill anybody just let go of my damn arm.” 

A red curtain was enclosed ahead. John pushed it to one side. I shielded my eyes from the bright room. Everything looked like it was made from emeralds. No elves were in sight.

“Where are the elves?” I asked as I stepped into the huge green room.

“I am the ruler here now,” John said. “The elves work for me.” 

“John, you can not do this. This isn’t your world.”

“As a usurper, yes I can.”

John sat on the crystal throne. As mesmerized as I was with the elven castle I couldn’t let my brother do this. After all, we are humans. We have no magic. Wait…

“How did you manage to take over the throne without magic?”

He wasn’t looking at me now. He just grinned like he was just so proud of the ugly he did twirling the wooden staff like a toy.

The staff.